Well, after last weekend's shenanigans I have cheered up somewhat. I've been working like a demon, even doing extra classes (madness I tell you) and had a lovely dinner at the Mariott.
Now though it's a time to work out a few things. At the moment my work life balance is screwed, all work, not enough life and what life there is is not interesting enough. I have some fab ideas but I need a bit more inspiration. Here is my list of different and potentially interesting things to do in Q8 and I'm aiming to do most of them over the next few weeks.
Failaka Island
Go to Desert
Go up the Towers (again, but not in the last 10 years- perhaps the view's changed?)
Walking/cycling on sea front
Buy tickets for a holiday
Go shooting again, I wasn't half bad with a .22
Horse riding
Getting my hair cut
Having a massage and facial
If you can think of any more please let me know, a single girl needs every bit of help she can get to keep her occupied
I really fancy the idea of having a go at golf but Sahara is bloody expensive and it's just not the same on desert. I also fancy trying to meet some new people, it's not that the people I know aren't nice but I want to expand my social scene, there are loads of cool people out there and I should get to know more of them.
So where is a good place or what is a good thing to do to go meet people in Kuwait that doesn't involve Marina Mall and chucking bits of paper around???
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Blood Red Moon!

Wow, did anyone see the moon as it came up tonight. I was out bustin' Mishref track with the mutt and it was hanging really low with this amazing colour. It also seemed really big. The view I saw was of it hanging between two minarets of a mosque. I haven't seen such a good moon for ages, unfortunately I didn't have my phone or I'd have taken a picture (This one's from google).
According to Nasa's website it was a lunar eclipse on Wednesday 27th Oct which can cause the red colour (apparently it's actually the Earth's shadow) but I can't find much about why it still looked red. As it got higher in the sky it became more milky coloured.
Fantastic I say, Mother Nature has so many fab things to see, they never fail to amaze me!
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Summation of the good, bad and down right ugly side of being Pinky!
Well, so the weekend started out crap and continued in a similar manner.
1. The man was at a party I went to and thought it'd be a good thing to share the joyous news that he thinks he's met someone with me. Fine but he seemed to expect me to be happy for him and then seemed a little surprised when I wasn't, even said the old chestnut of "but I love you" my response was "whatever"! Idiot!!
(please see my earlier posts about men and emotional f%@kwittage)
2. He also announced this to a table full of my friends. (don't you just love consideration)
3. Whilst fuming about this I left my favorite sweater on top of his bag at the party and he accidentally left with it and isn't returning messages hence bye bye sweater, do men not understand how difficult it is to buy a classic, dressy sweater???
4. Then my car died, piece of crap.
5. Then my broken toe that I whacked off a table 3 weeks ago started to hurt again, ibuprofen rules!
Sometimes I wonder, do I have kick me tattooed on myself somewhere cos when the world kicks once it just doesn't stop for weeks! ARGH!!!
One good thing about life is Ugly Betty, she is getting me through (well, her and the ibuprofen).
Hope the rest of you had a better time than me!
p.s. My favourite bloggers are the girly bloggers of Kuwait (sorry boys, your just not in my good books as a gender at the moment). These women, who I have never met in person are fun, cheerful, seem to have a lot in common with me and always have positive things to say and sage advice to give. To you all I say thanks!!
1. The man was at a party I went to and thought it'd be a good thing to share the joyous news that he thinks he's met someone with me. Fine but he seemed to expect me to be happy for him and then seemed a little surprised when I wasn't, even said the old chestnut of "but I love you" my response was "whatever"! Idiot!!
(please see my earlier posts about men and emotional f%@kwittage)
2. He also announced this to a table full of my friends. (don't you just love consideration)
3. Whilst fuming about this I left my favorite sweater on top of his bag at the party and he accidentally left with it and isn't returning messages hence bye bye sweater, do men not understand how difficult it is to buy a classic, dressy sweater???
4. Then my car died, piece of crap.
5. Then my broken toe that I whacked off a table 3 weeks ago started to hurt again, ibuprofen rules!
Sometimes I wonder, do I have kick me tattooed on myself somewhere cos when the world kicks once it just doesn't stop for weeks! ARGH!!!
One good thing about life is Ugly Betty, she is getting me through (well, her and the ibuprofen).
Hope the rest of you had a better time than me!
p.s. My favourite bloggers are the girly bloggers of Kuwait (sorry boys, your just not in my good books as a gender at the moment). These women, who I have never met in person are fun, cheerful, seem to have a lot in common with me and always have positive things to say and sage advice to give. To you all I say thanks!!
Friday, 26 October 2007
Apt pop song for me!!
Your Karaoke Theme Song is "Livin' On a Prayer" |
You believe the best things in life are mostly forgotten, and you're definitely more than a little nostalgic . You're likely to still like the same foods, fashions, and music as you did when you were a teenager. You have a knack for knowing what elements of pop culture people have missed, without them even realizing it. It's great to remember the past, but don't forget that not everyone is as stuck in it as you are. You might also sing: "Pour Some Sugar on Me," "Rapper's Delight," and "Cherry Pie" Stay away from people who sing: "Toxic" |
Blue, definitely blue!!!
My Aura is blue, I am blue, what a day!
Your Aura is Blue |
Spiritual and calm, you tend to live a quiet but enriching life. You are very giving of yourself. And it's hard for you to let go of relationships. The purpose of your life: showing love to other people Famous blues include: Angelina Jolie, the Dali Lama, Oprah Careers for you to try: Psychic, Peace Corps Volunteer, Counselor |
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
A theme
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Desperate Housewives!

As I'm sure you all are aware I aspire to marriage and kids one of these days. However much I want this I don't want to be a desperate housewife!
I have an addiction at the moment and it is to season 3 of DH!! This is being fueled by iTunes from which I have now dangerously discovered that you can download entire seasons of tv shows!!!! Teamed with my video iPod I will never be without tv again. If you find some one hiding in the stationary cupboard at work laughing innanely it's probably me with my iPod!!!
What a week!!!
Well, I've been away on holiday this week on the lovely island of Cyprus, what a lovely place if you avoid the cities and british tourists.
Unfortunately I got food poisoning and feel like crap!
I've got so much blogging to catch up and read. Sounds like the girly blog meet up went well, wish i could have been there.
However, it's good to know I am a girl through and through!!
Unfortunately I got food poisoning and feel like crap!
I've got so much blogging to catch up and read. Sounds like the girly blog meet up went well, wish i could have been there.
However, it's good to know I am a girl through and through!!
You Inner Gender is Female |
You're sensitive, caring, and willing to connect with anyone who's open to you. You make friends easily, and you enjoy all sorts of conversations. You understand most people you meet - better than they understand themselves. You're totally a woman... or at the very least, your soul is female. |
Thursday, 11 October 2007
A Jumpy song!
It's the holidays, yippeeeeee!!!
I felt the need to say how cool this was and after 3baid's comment that the last song wasn't the jumpy one he expected. Here are the
Pointer Sisters just for you 3baid!!!
Eid Mubarak to all!!!!
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Well all you bloggers I thought you'd like to know that since I started my regime of exercise madness and healthy food I have lost 4 kilos!!!!!!!
I am on the way to being svelte curvy as opposed to podgy curvy!!!!!!!!!
In celebration I feel we need a song.
Good old Nina Simone- Feeling Good (Does she not have the sexiest voice??)

Well, this has been a question that has come up a lot recently.
What a potentially enlightening subject. I posted about facebook this week and was invited by a fellow blogger to email them and add to their facebook. I thought this was cool as they are someone I can really relate to through reading their blog but equally my mind says should I relinquish my anonimity???
There has also been talk of a girlie Kuwait blogger meet up, which again sounds so cool but yet again my mind says should I relinquish my anonimity???
What a big question!!!
It's not that I think anything bad will happen or that I am ashamed of anything I have posted, I think I'm a little excited by the prospect and would love to meet some fellow women my age who have similar thoughts, worries, daily dilemas to me.
However, my mind says Kuwait is a small place??
Argh, drama, indecision!!!
Monday, 8 October 2007
Facebook rocks with your socks off!!!

OK, I must impart amazing knowledge and experiences to you all!!! If you have not signed up for face book get your little behinds on there now. It is soooooo spookily cool.
In the past week I have got back in touch with 5 people I haven't seen for years, 2 from high school, two from Uni and one from Kuwait. It is fantabulous as these are people that I lost contact with and am now catching up with them regularly. It is so nice to see how people have grown up and what they are into now.
Go on, register, you know you want to!!!!!
Saturday, 6 October 2007
Life, love and the pursuit of happiness!

Well, the weight is dropping off, I'm exercising like a demon but still my mind plays nasty tricks on me.
On Thursday night "the man" was out and about with me and my friends. He was much more reserved than usual but we had a really lovely talk, he was quite attentive. Since then he phoned to invite me out and I politely declined but my head has lingered on him too much since then.
ARGH!! It's soooo unfair. I know he's not the one for me but I really miss him.
I need a better coping strategy or I know I am going to fold as usual.
Friday, 5 October 2007
Too much busy!!!

Argh!!! It is official, there are not enough hours in the day at the moment. I have so much to do and everything is going too fast in Ramadan. Lessons are too short, business hours are miniscule and banks appear to never be open. What is a busy girl to do?????
I'm retreating to the desert this weekend to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet, I bet the dog will love it!!!
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