OK, I warn you, here comes a tirade!
I have just been reading
Chika's post on Men wanting Women on their terms and it has firmly empowered me.
Chika, you are so right about men and their lack of fidelity. There are far too many that need a firm kick in the nuts from time to time!
I am a young, intelligent, positive young woman. OK, I'm not a size zero but I am happy and bubbly and thats what matters.
I am not a man hating, bra burning Dyke. I am a woman who has frequently been disappointed by the men who have been in her life. One day (hopefully not too far away) I really want to get married and have kids but I want to do that with a man who is respectful to me and knows how to behave towards me and other women when he is with me.
I don't think I'm going to find that man in Kuwait unfortunately for the following reasons.
1. The expat men that are out here tend to be married. I'm not into infidelity, I will not be the other woman.
2. There are very few expat men out here that are aged below 50, are single, straight, don't need a frontal lobotomy or a personality transplant and are not a complete W@nKer!
3. I am not going to randomly give my number to blokes I meet in Marina Mall, sorry I'll leave that to my students, I need to know if a man interests me on an intellectual basis not only if I like the look of him.
4. A number of the local men I have met have been looking for a size zero bimbo who looks good on their arm and knows when to shut up but has very little between the ears. Not me- I have curves and a brain for a reason
5. Local men are looking for a quick fling and what they can't get from the Kuwaiti girls their mothers want them to marry! A lot look at western women as loose and treat them in the way they treat their hookers-badly!
6. I do not want to spend time with a guy that thinks I'm only good enough to meet his male relatives down the chalet on a Friday afternoon with a drink in his hand. If I'm not good enough to be introduced to his mother he is not good enough for me!
7. I love Kuwait, it is my home but the poligamy thing is beyond me. Some men out here love it. Wife number one gets a bit old, pops out a couple of kids and gets a bit boring and domesticated, I know, I'll get a new one.
There is no wonder that Arab men struggle with the concept of fidelity. They are told from day one that they can have their cake and eat it and that it is OK (morally, religously and legally) to cheat. SHINU HATHER????
8. Some of the strongest women I have ever met are Kuwaiti and I respect them fully. Unfortunately a lot of their men don't!!!
I am so cheesed off with being crapped on from a great height. I am not going to put up with this bullshit again.
Khalas I am done with it I deserve better than this crap!