Sunday, 2 December 2007

I want to get back on the plane to Dubai!

Well, after a fun filled and quite honestly fabulous weekend I'm back in Q8. I has so much fun and met up with/bumped into so many people I haven't seen for ages and got reacquainted with a few (one of them may lead to something more, maybe or maybe not- I'll keep you posted on the man front). It was really hard to get back on the plane- never had that feeling before!

I really liked Dubai but not sure I could live there, would quite like many more holidays there though.

The rugby was fantastic and my word, the shorts were short and the thighs were firm, yes I am turning into a dirty old woman in-case you were wondering!!!

So here are some piccies for you girls! Take a deep breath and make sure you're sitting comfortably.


Anonymous said...

welcome back babes!

Pinky said...

Thanks Chika!