Well, I may now sound like an old fuddy duddy but quite frankly I was brought up to believe that respectful polite behavior in public is imperative and I thought the children of Kuwait were too.
This is not a racist rant, merely a statement of my recent observations.
I have had a week of it and over the past few months have been repeatedly disappointed by the behaviour of young Kuwaiti men. I am shocked and stunned at the way that some of these lads behave in public. I have always found Kuwaitis to be polite, respectful and above all concerned about how they are viewed in public but with some young men this appears to have fallen by the wayside. Some of these boys think they are completely unaccountable for anything they do- with some it's definitely a case of much more money than sense.
I am really worried if this is the future of Kuwait.
ive seen this all around the world...trust me..
but in kuwait its quite obvious...
Am worried as well.
the youth has always been loud and bold.. i have notices that each generation criticizes the next, i remember when i was a teenager how older people were annoyed and "complained" a lot about the youths attitude and music and hair styles and funky clothes.. history just repeats itself i guess..
i have to add that the horrific change in eating habits have contributed to many of the behavioral problems we see in the world.. you are what u eat and the youth today are eating .... well... you know..
i know
the whole time im walking around im thinking
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