For the first time ever today I managed to suck it up and tell someone that they had pissed me off and why without getting stressed or upset! This is a major milestone for me, whenever dealing with emotional matters I am always a doormat ( not good I know) and find it really hard to express how I feel but today I did it and the person is fuly aware that I deserve better and should be treated with respect!
I think all this Maya Angelou poetry has finally rubbed off!
That's great Pinky!
Doormat? You? Never again! ;)
Thanks Sou!
That's so brave! Congrats and enshalla nobody'll ever try to over-step their boundaries ever again :*
Hi : ) congrats!! and nice blog :D
well done!
( i'm trying hard to resist snapping my fingers and yelling " you go girl!" )
KAFoooH! Keep it up, you should always be honest about your feelings
good 4 u!
Wooo Hoooo, Pinky. To do it calmly and to state your grievences clearly - wow. Feels great, doesn't it!
U go girl! Show'em wat ur made of. ;)
That'a great! I wish my day will come soon.. I always hide my feelings and worry if I react because then i would feel I hurt the peron who hurt me. Stupid of me I know.. Also, I don't think people take me seriously anymore because they got used to me being this way.
Sorry I am talking too much, it's the only way I could express how i feel.
CONGRATS again dear!!
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