Well, who would have thought it some people have actually been reading my blog. I have been posting on here since before the summer and didn't think anyone read my random scribblings but after my last post I've had 3 comments and it seems I am not alone.....
Thanks to those of you that have taken the time to read this!!
I like having a mooch at loads of other blogs and it is really interesting to see what people post, some are about their lives, some about books, some anything that takes their fancy and it's great to see the diversity out there. I tend to read Kuwaiti blogs because I feel I can relate to the people writing them. We live in this tiny country and it is cool to see so much diversity within it. Roll on the big melting pot!!!
To let you guys see which blogs ring my bell I am going to add a blog roll down the side.
well .... your never alone :)....and awaiting more and more posts...also am sure you will get more readers :)
You probably have more readers than you might think. Not everyone leaves comments.
Read the Incentives page on my blog, it might be of interest to you :)
Hiya Pinky! I've gone through your whole blog, and I love it! I'm with Spikey, waiting for more posts! :)
And thanks for adding me to your blogroll! :)
I've added you to my blog roll!! :)
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