2nd August 1990
They shall not grow old, as we that are left grow old.
Age shall not weary them, or the years condem.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning,
We will remember them.
Lest we forget!
I haven't posted for a while but this date is so significant to Kuwait and to my own family history that even though I have left I will always remember it.
The poem is one said by Aussies on Anzac Day as a remembrance prayer. It is simple and fitting and we should not forget.
Sunday, 3 August 2008
Wednesday, 25 June 2008
Well, the last two weeks have been mad. I arrived back in the UK to freezeing rain (crappy but effectively reminds me why I don't live in this country), I kind of miss the dust and heat of kuwait! And I definitely miss my friends. I'm strangely detached from everything thats been my life for so long, esp "the man". For someone who was such a big part of my life for so long I'm quite numb and unemotional about him considering I may not see him again for a long time, if ever??
I've been chasing paperwork both at home and in London and finally got my VISA for vietnam and documents attested to yesterday. I thought the ministries in Kuwait were innefficient- oh no the UK FCO is way worse- 2.5 hours to get 5 little bits of paper stuck on and the best part is they charge £27 per document so I walked out £135 lighter!!
It gave me a good excuse to potter round the shops and spend too much money on shoes and undies. Girls if you are ever in London you have to go and be measured at Rigby and Peller, they make the Queen's Bra's. Not a tape measure in sight but dammit you walk out well supported, lifted and separated! Not cheap though but definitely worth it, however, the photo of the Queen and Prince Philip in the fitting room was a bit weird when your standing in your smalls!!
I also met up with the guy who I was trying to move to Honkers with, we did lunch. All a little strange but at least civilised and he carried my bags round selfridges so I can't complain too much. This has been deemed the Summer of catching up with people I have lost touch with. Tonight I'm off to Bristol to see my best friend from Uni and his wife, will all be a little strange cos at uni he was gay! Also hoping to organise a reunion for my other Uni friends. We're going to stay in halls of residence and go to the places we used to get pissed in and behave like a bunch of idiot students- I can see traffic cones in my future!!
The road is calling...
I've been chasing paperwork both at home and in London and finally got my VISA for vietnam and documents attested to yesterday. I thought the ministries in Kuwait were innefficient- oh no the UK FCO is way worse- 2.5 hours to get 5 little bits of paper stuck on and the best part is they charge £27 per document so I walked out £135 lighter!!
It gave me a good excuse to potter round the shops and spend too much money on shoes and undies. Girls if you are ever in London you have to go and be measured at Rigby and Peller, they make the Queen's Bra's. Not a tape measure in sight but dammit you walk out well supported, lifted and separated! Not cheap though but definitely worth it, however, the photo of the Queen and Prince Philip in the fitting room was a bit weird when your standing in your smalls!!
I also met up with the guy who I was trying to move to Honkers with, we did lunch. All a little strange but at least civilised and he carried my bags round selfridges so I can't complain too much. This has been deemed the Summer of catching up with people I have lost touch with. Tonight I'm off to Bristol to see my best friend from Uni and his wife, will all be a little strange cos at uni he was gay! Also hoping to organise a reunion for my other Uni friends. We're going to stay in halls of residence and go to the places we used to get pissed in and behave like a bunch of idiot students- I can see traffic cones in my future!!
The road is calling...
Friday, 13 June 2008
Goodbye Kuwait - it's been fun!
Well, it's time to say good bye. I'm sitting in my empty flat about to go to sleep in Kuwait for the last time- quite sad actually.
My next post will be from not so sunny Scotland.
My next post will be from not so sunny Scotland.
Thursday, 12 June 2008
Saturday, 7 June 2008
Is it as bad to not tell something that you know will really hurt their feelings as it is to lie??
Thursday, 5 June 2008
Sometime you have to be selfish!
I have so much to do in the next week and everyone is placing demands on my time. I'm sorry but can they all F off! I want to spend my last week doing what I want to do so dammit for one of the first times in my life I'm going to be selfish.
Tuesday, 3 June 2008
Here we go here we go here we go!!
10 days today I will have left Kuwait for what may be the last time. Madness!!!!
I'm really excited about this new phase of my life. I'm having my leaving party this weekend and am hoping for lots of silliness and debauchery and maybe a bottle of Moet at a push but we'll wait an see about that!
Having a fab last few weeks with the man. Had a strange epiphany moment the other day. As much as I care for him and would love to commit to him I don;t want to force him to commit if it's not what he wants. Part of me caring about him is I want to see him happy and if he's in a position he doesn't want to be in he won't be. I'll just wait and see what happens when I go, we'll part on good terms whatever so if nothing more I have a solid friend for life!
Oh dear after having been emotionally stable all week I just burst into tears writing this! There will be no more tears only happy memories!!!!!
I'm really excited about this new phase of my life. I'm having my leaving party this weekend and am hoping for lots of silliness and debauchery and maybe a bottle of Moet at a push but we'll wait an see about that!
Having a fab last few weeks with the man. Had a strange epiphany moment the other day. As much as I care for him and would love to commit to him I don;t want to force him to commit if it's not what he wants. Part of me caring about him is I want to see him happy and if he's in a position he doesn't want to be in he won't be. I'll just wait and see what happens when I go, we'll part on good terms whatever so if nothing more I have a solid friend for life!
Oh dear after having been emotionally stable all week I just burst into tears writing this! There will be no more tears only happy memories!!!!!
Friday, 23 May 2008
ARGH!!! 3 weeks and counting! Oh crap, I am leaving too soon and am so unorganised.
This seemed like such a good idea when I decided to go, now I've got the wobbles. It'll be fine and I know I will enjoy myself where I end up but I am going to miss my friends so much.
There are going to be many meltdown moments in the next few weeks. I sold my car the other day and it was really upsetting.
Unresolved issues are driving me crazy!!!
This seemed like such a good idea when I decided to go, now I've got the wobbles. It'll be fine and I know I will enjoy myself where I end up but I am going to miss my friends so much.
There are going to be many meltdown moments in the next few weeks. I sold my car the other day and it was really upsetting.
Unresolved issues are driving me crazy!!!
Friday, 2 May 2008
Elegantly Wasted!
Well, what a week.
High points:
1. ANZAC ball - boogying, posh frocks, eye candy everywhere, balloon balancing and fun!
2. Friends coming over on Tuesday evening
3. Excitement at mad sandstorm
Low points:
1. The man reasserting his D@%ckwad nature. I mean WTF, how confusing can one person be and do they not realise the head f&ck they create!!
2. The hangover I will have bukra!
So in one week the man (fickle Kuwaiti) has gone from "your so good" , "Kuwait will be worse off without you" to not even returning my texts. I have a feeling a scrawny blonde may be involved and quite frankly the fact that it may have been lauded over me by both of them may actually makes me feel physically sick. I turned up to a gathering at his on Sunday eve (at his invitation I may add) and a comment was made by her infront of me that implied something had gone on that afternoon - she's been one of his floozies in the past. I am very naive and thick and didn't cotton on about what was implied until the next day- GIT!!
However, he invited me over and was very touchy feelly with me (new but usual development over the past 3 months, even infront of his mates) when she'd left. WTF?????
Please guys can someone explain what the hell goes on in men's heads cos I firmly don;t understand how one minute you can be very keen then the next be an ignorant git!
Right excuse spelling as I am a little fragile tonight!!
High points:
1. ANZAC ball - boogying, posh frocks, eye candy everywhere, balloon balancing and fun!
2. Friends coming over on Tuesday evening
3. Excitement at mad sandstorm
Low points:
1. The man reasserting his D@%ckwad nature. I mean WTF, how confusing can one person be and do they not realise the head f&ck they create!!
2. The hangover I will have bukra!
So in one week the man (fickle Kuwaiti) has gone from "your so good" , "Kuwait will be worse off without you" to not even returning my texts. I have a feeling a scrawny blonde may be involved and quite frankly the fact that it may have been lauded over me by both of them may actually makes me feel physically sick. I turned up to a gathering at his on Sunday eve (at his invitation I may add) and a comment was made by her infront of me that implied something had gone on that afternoon - she's been one of his floozies in the past. I am very naive and thick and didn't cotton on about what was implied until the next day- GIT!!
However, he invited me over and was very touchy feelly with me (new but usual development over the past 3 months, even infront of his mates) when she'd left. WTF?????
Please guys can someone explain what the hell goes on in men's heads cos I firmly don;t understand how one minute you can be very keen then the next be an ignorant git!
Right excuse spelling as I am a little fragile tonight!!
Monday, 28 April 2008
The Youth of Today!

Well, I may now sound like an old fuddy duddy but quite frankly I was brought up to believe that respectful polite behavior in public is imperative and I thought the children of Kuwait were too.
This is not a racist rant, merely a statement of my recent observations.
I have had a week of it and over the past few months have been repeatedly disappointed by the behaviour of young Kuwaiti men. I am shocked and stunned at the way that some of these lads behave in public. I have always found Kuwaitis to be polite, respectful and above all concerned about how they are viewed in public but with some young men this appears to have fallen by the wayside. Some of these boys think they are completely unaccountable for anything they do- with some it's definitely a case of much more money than sense.
I am really worried if this is the future of Kuwait.
Sunday, 27 April 2008
Apathetic bloggers!!
Oh my god, My name is Pinky, I am a blogaholic but cannot believe it has been 31 days since my last blog.
I always said I wouldn't be one of these people who start a blog then lose momentum but dammit I have been sooooo busy it is ridiculous!
OK, quick update on Pinky;
1. Got new job heading to SE Asia for a promotion
2. Re-discovered the man (I know, not a good plan but a bad habit I can maintain for a little longer- feel free to say I told you so when I'm spilling my emotional guts out in about 7 weeks)
3. Really excited about leaving but getting emotional cos I'm not good at change
4.Madly still learning Arabic even though leaving the Arab world in June
5. Have new obsession with "Brothers and Sisters"
6. Have become a gadget crazy woman- want network storage for a Mac that doesn't cost 370KD, can anyone help??
What to do????????
I always said I wouldn't be one of these people who start a blog then lose momentum but dammit I have been sooooo busy it is ridiculous!
OK, quick update on Pinky;
1. Got new job heading to SE Asia for a promotion
2. Re-discovered the man (I know, not a good plan but a bad habit I can maintain for a little longer- feel free to say I told you so when I'm spilling my emotional guts out in about 7 weeks)
3. Really excited about leaving but getting emotional cos I'm not good at change
4.Madly still learning Arabic even though leaving the Arab world in June
5. Have new obsession with "Brothers and Sisters"
6. Have become a gadget crazy woman- want network storage for a Mac that doesn't cost 370KD, can anyone help??
What to do????????
Wednesday, 26 March 2008
I hate Dubai Airport!!!!
Well, I think my title says it all. I have flown through Dubai twice in the past week and I hate it!!! First they put you at a stand miles away from the terminal then you sit on a bus for what seems like 10 years whilst some inane voice appologises for the inconvenience that emirates is bloody causing you. Then there is the usual crush at transit, not enough x-ray machines / far too many people, Fight your way past the still (even though duty free) overpriced shopping hell to the furthest possible gate to get on a plane to Q8! Where the stupid ground staff will fob you off with anything to shut you up and get you into their overheated cramped check in lounge!
Tuesday, 11 March 2008
The big 100!!
Well, I never thought I'd make it. 100 posts on my little blog!
All very exciting!!
It's been so busy recently.
I've forgotten what free time and weekends are, my dog can't remember what I look like and I have regressed again back to the man, but hey he has firmly been told that it's on my terms at the moment and anyway I'm off in 3 months!!!!
Still not got a job but something will happen soon I hope!!
Right, off back to work again!
All very exciting!!
It's been so busy recently.
I've forgotten what free time and weekends are, my dog can't remember what I look like and I have regressed again back to the man, but hey he has firmly been told that it's on my terms at the moment and anyway I'm off in 3 months!!!!
Still not got a job but something will happen soon I hope!!
Right, off back to work again!
Tuesday, 4 March 2008
Drowning, not waving!

I am so busy at the moment. I have not stopped since I returned from my holiday and definitely am drowning under all the work and job applications. It's too hard. Is anyone else feeling that they have no life at all and that every waking moment revolves around their job??
Also, things didn't go so well with the man so I very maturely and grownup style told him it was over yesterday. Not angry, not miffed at all it's just another of those things that I'll chalk up to experience and realise it wasn't meant to be!
What can you do?
So the hunt for jobs as well as a nice man is on!
Take care all, I hope things are less hectic for you!
Saturday, 23 February 2008
Very annoyed as had rejection email from a job I really wanted. The gits email a standard letter that implies I had an interview with them. I didn't! Mightily pissed off.
Other than that having a nice holiday skiing madly and apres skiing even more!!
The whole concept of going back to work on Wednesday is just plain crap!
Other than that having a nice holiday skiing madly and apres skiing even more!!
The whole concept of going back to work on Wednesday is just plain crap!
Sunday, 17 February 2008
Yalla I go!
Friday, 15 February 2008
What a week!!
So, the anti-segregation rally went well, I am impressed that it was such a sensible and positive evening. I hope the parliament sits up and takes notice.
Valentines day was the usual over-commercialised crock of SH*&t that it always is and yes, as usual the men did sweet F.A! But I'm liberated and bought myself flowers cos I deserve it!
Thank God we have a holiday next week. I could not take any more school. I need holiday and a week off for liberation and national day is almost enough!! I plan on sleeping and maybe going away for a few days, not sure yet though!!
Hope you are all more upbeat and less shattered than I am!
Valentines day was the usual over-commercialised crock of SH*&t that it always is and yes, as usual the men did sweet F.A! But I'm liberated and bought myself flowers cos I deserve it!
Thank God we have a holiday next week. I could not take any more school. I need holiday and a week off for liberation and national day is almost enough!! I plan on sleeping and maybe going away for a few days, not sure yet though!!
Hope you are all more upbeat and less shattered than I am!
Sunday, 10 February 2008
Go Kuwait!! Meeting against Segregation Tuesday 6pm in Khaldiya
I saw this notice on a few blogs and thought after my last few posts I should spread the word!
Your support is needed to attend and pass this message on to others:
There is an important gathering at the Kuwait Womans Society in Khaldiya on Tuesday 6pm in which they want owners of foreign schools and Kuwaiti parents and students to attend to contest the Segregation Law.
Also to invite as many arabic speaking parents to support this event. Lots of press and MP will attend.
Try and make it.
Thank you.
Your support is needed to attend and pass this message on to others:
There is an important gathering at the Kuwait Womans Society in Khaldiya on Tuesday 6pm in which they want owners of foreign schools and Kuwaiti parents and students to attend to contest the Segregation Law.
Also to invite as many arabic speaking parents to support this event. Lots of press and MP will attend.
Try and make it.
Thank you.
Tuesday, 5 February 2008
Well, my last post firmly put the cat amongst the pigeons.
I was a little disappointed by one of the posts by someone who made the ultimate cop out and called themselves "anonymous" and would like to take this opportunity to rebut their comment.
Yes, the decision does come from parliament and yes it's members are voted for by Kuwaiti citizens. However, does that mean that every decision made truly reflects the majority of Kuwaiti society's opinions. According to your opinion that means that for the past ten years or so that the opinions of Kuwaiti society had nothing to do with the women of the country at all because they had no vote until very recently.
I am not Kuwaiti but I teach young Kuwaiti men and women who mix in an appropriate and positive way every minute of the day that they are in school. How can you expect young people to broaden their perspectives on life and the world around them if 50% of their own society and their different point of view is cut off to them?
Some of the girls I teach wear the Hijab, some don't, some of the boys want to grow a beard for religious reasons, some don't, but all treat each other with respect, dignity and courtesy. They also behave in a modest and respectful manner as we do live in a modest, semi-conservative culture
I have lived in Kuwait for a very long time and quite honestly the only immodest behaviour I see from the Kuwaiti youth takes place in shopping malls and on the roads, no one has suggested segregating marina mall??
The intimation that I think I am "elite" quite frankly offends me, if you are a Kuwaiti citizen with the vote then surely you are the 'elite'?. - just to remind you that not every Kuwaiti citizen has the vote and as a non-Kuwaiti I don't either.
From the Kuwaiti students I teach and friends I have spoken to none of them want segregation, even the non Kuwaiti students are against it. For crying out loud if you even log onto facebook there are loads of groups against segregation in Kuwait, so I somehow think your statement that those against segregation are a tiny minority is a tad inaccurate.
Kuwait has always been a country that provides a relatively positive role model for others in the gulf. It is a country that is proud to have many strong men and women.
Surely the old mantra "together we stand, divided we fall" says it all.
I would also like to make that point that not even Saudi segregates it's "foreign schools'.
I was a little disappointed by one of the posts by someone who made the ultimate cop out and called themselves "anonymous" and would like to take this opportunity to rebut their comment.
Yes, the decision does come from parliament and yes it's members are voted for by Kuwaiti citizens. However, does that mean that every decision made truly reflects the majority of Kuwaiti society's opinions. According to your opinion that means that for the past ten years or so that the opinions of Kuwaiti society had nothing to do with the women of the country at all because they had no vote until very recently.
I am not Kuwaiti but I teach young Kuwaiti men and women who mix in an appropriate and positive way every minute of the day that they are in school. How can you expect young people to broaden their perspectives on life and the world around them if 50% of their own society and their different point of view is cut off to them?
Some of the girls I teach wear the Hijab, some don't, some of the boys want to grow a beard for religious reasons, some don't, but all treat each other with respect, dignity and courtesy. They also behave in a modest and respectful manner as we do live in a modest, semi-conservative culture
I have lived in Kuwait for a very long time and quite honestly the only immodest behaviour I see from the Kuwaiti youth takes place in shopping malls and on the roads, no one has suggested segregating marina mall??
The intimation that I think I am "elite" quite frankly offends me, if you are a Kuwaiti citizen with the vote then surely you are the 'elite'?. - just to remind you that not every Kuwaiti citizen has the vote and as a non-Kuwaiti I don't either.
From the Kuwaiti students I teach and friends I have spoken to none of them want segregation, even the non Kuwaiti students are against it. For crying out loud if you even log onto facebook there are loads of groups against segregation in Kuwait, so I somehow think your statement that those against segregation are a tiny minority is a tad inaccurate.
Kuwait has always been a country that provides a relatively positive role model for others in the gulf. It is a country that is proud to have many strong men and women.
Surely the old mantra "together we stand, divided we fall" says it all.
I would also like to make that point that not even Saudi segregates it's "foreign schools'.
Monday, 4 February 2008
A Sad Sad Day for Kuwait!

Copied from the Arabtimes Website
MoE given 5 years to impose 'segregation' in private schools
KUWAIT : The Educational Affairs Committee at the Parliament has given the Ministry of Education a grace period of five years to implement the Segregation Law in foreign private schools, reliable sources told Al-Anba. In a meeting held Wednesday, the committee assured Education Ministry Undersecretary Ali Al-Barak and Private Education Department Director Mohammed Al-Dahis that five-year grace period is enough for the Ministry to fully prepare for the implementation of the law.
Sources added the same period is also given to the Ministry to allocate separate buildings for each educational level but Al-Barak said it is not easy to allocate separate buildings for each educational level due to the limited areas in most schools.
The committee has also proposed the inclusion of a main article to the Private Education Law on the segregation of students in foreign private schools prior to the approval of the law.
Meanwhile, sources revealed male and female teachers work together only in 14 out of 130 primary schools under the Ministry.
I hope the Kuwaiti Youth tries to do something about this! Another two steps backwards!!!
Is the next step going to make us into the next Saudi Arabia? I certainly hope not!
Sunday, 20 January 2008
The waiting game
I am so over waiting for everything. I'm looking forward to seeing the new man but am sick fed up of waiting for Feb to arrive. Also have applied for tons of jobs in Asia but haven't heard anything yet. I hate that they all say they will only contact you if you're shortlisted, I am really good both on paper and at interview but hate that I have absolutely no control over this situation. I just want it to work out. All of it. At this rate I'll be jobless, homeless and desperate in June!!!!!
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
Sunday, 13 January 2008
Brass Monkeys!
Friday, 11 January 2008
AAARRRGGGHHH! Procrastination is the key to life!
Tuesday, 8 January 2008
Holidays and Life

Happy New Year my fellow bloggers, I missed you all and my regular updates on Kuwait life whilst I was on my hols. Had a fantastic time and wish I didn't have to come home! But here I am so what more can I say!
So, life developments continue. The new man isn't having any joy finding a job in Q8 so we're both looking elsewhere. No luck yet but I think it's worth the risk, if it works out it'd be fab, if it doesn't I will have had a fab experience in a new place.
It's really difficult at the moment cos I haven't seen him over x-mas and new year, were in touch loads but it's a bit bizarre. Texting, emailing and skype just isn't the same as spending time together and doing different things together and getting to know each other more. Hopefully he's going to be out to visit soon, work depending! If not, I'll head over there at the end of feb. Can someone please invent teleportation!!!!
Need suggestions on how to maintain the spark long distance, c'mon you bloggers, help a girl out!
I have noticed that nothing in life is easy yet again!!!!!!!!
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