Well, I recon it's just not going to work with me and diving at the moment. How frustrating that it's pissed it down for 3 days with rain, today is the first day of good weather but the conditions are not right for diving, guess what, they aren't going to be right tomorrow either so I'm just going to have to wait until the weekend and my diving liveaboard off Brisbane.
Well, instead of diving I went to Australia Zoo, thankfully I put it off from Yesterday as it was truly vile weather and soggy crocs and roos aren';t as much fun. Had a lovely day today, started with a massage at Mooloolaba then off to Australia Zoo.
Been playing with my new camera too, I am so glad I bought it as the x12 optical zoom makes all the difference. I got some action shots of Crocs being fed and I'll post them soon!
Off back to Brisbane tomorrow so I'll probably not post again til next week!
Wednesday, 27 June 2007
Tuesday, 26 June 2007
Rain Rain go away come again another day ( after I've bloody left!)
It is official Australia is bloody soggy at the moment. Despite being on the sunshine coast I swear it has pissed it down with rain for the last 2 days solidly! I am re-naming it the rainfall coast. Despite that I'm having a good old mooch around and had a lovely day yesterday.
I went to the cinema to see "Blades of Glory" Bloody hilarious I tell you. having been a bit of an ice skating virtuoso in my past I found it great with loads of cameo appearances from figure skating greats. I then found a nice cafe with an umbrella to keep me dry and sat an read my book. I must recommend anything by Jodie Picoult, she is a fantastic author and she uses very emotive topics to get you thinking. I'm reading "19 minutes" at the moment but you should start with "My Sister's Keeper".
Right, I'm off to fight through the rain to Australia Zoo (home of the late Crocodile Hunter-Steve Irwin). Kangaroos are still cute when they're wet hey???
I went to the cinema to see "Blades of Glory" Bloody hilarious I tell you. having been a bit of an ice skating virtuoso in my past I found it great with loads of cameo appearances from figure skating greats. I then found a nice cafe with an umbrella to keep me dry and sat an read my book. I must recommend anything by Jodie Picoult, she is a fantastic author and she uses very emotive topics to get you thinking. I'm reading "19 minutes" at the moment but you should start with "My Sister's Keeper".
Right, I'm off to fight through the rain to Australia Zoo (home of the late Crocodile Hunter-Steve Irwin). Kangaroos are still cute when they're wet hey???
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Shinu Hather?

It is bloody freezing in Oz! I left Brisbane in a massive storm yesterday and it rained all night in Bundaberg, thankfully I braved the freezing temperatures due to the wonders of reverse cycle air conditioning- heat = my friend.
Well, I had a lovely time in brisbane, it was really nice to catch up with my friends and see loads of things including cuddling a Koala at Lone Pine Sanctuary. I went cycling through the city's Botanical Gardens and trendy South Bank area. It was lovely. Saw Shrek 3 as well and guffawed and giggled my way through it Merrily!
I'm now up in Bundaberg staying in a gorgeous little B and B and mooching around in my Banana yellow hire car- I always wondered who bought those bloody things and yes it appears that AVIS do!
Off to the bundaberg rum distillery this afternoon and then off to a sugar cane museum to do a bit of swatting up on plantation agriculture- got to do some school work! If it doesn't stop raining I'll be forced to go to the cinema again!
Unfortunately it seems that just about every dive shop in bundaberg has shut up shop, gone bust or into hiding so will prob have to wait for Rainbow each and the Grey Nurse Sharks to dive.
I had to bite the bullet and buy a new wetsuit the other day as mine had started to feel like tissue paper and had about as many thermal insulating properties as an ice cube! So hopefully the sharks will appreciate my new combi 7/5mm blue and black Oceanic suit-$600 Aussie well spent!
Monday, 18 June 2007
Woo hoo!!!
I'm in Brisbane, I love holidays they are fantastic!!!I'm having a wonderful time catching up with my friends and relaxing in the winter sun ( bit overcast today however). Off on a shopping extravaganza today then off to Bundaberg on Wednesday for fish, sun and frolicing with a bit of Bundy Rum thrown in on the side!
I'm in Brisbane, I love holidays they are fantastic!!!I'm having a wonderful time catching up with my friends and relaxing in the winter sun ( bit overcast today however). Off on a shopping extravaganza today then off to Bundaberg on Wednesday for fish, sun and frolicing with a bit of Bundy Rum thrown in on the side!
Thursday, 14 June 2007
Here I go!

Well, I'm off to Oz tonight, almost packed, still got that I' not ready to head off feeling though. I like holidays but I like home too- argh!!!!!
I know, your hearts are bleeding!
Well, due to my potential lack of internet access I may not be posting for a couple of weeks but will try if I get the chance.
Hope everyone has a fabby holiday!
Tuesday, 12 June 2007
Really annoying things!
Why is it that some people just can't behave in adult manner. Unfortunately I do think Kuwait has a high proportion of these type of people. I'm afraid I've got the end of term blues and unless I pull my finger out am likely to disolve into a wailing blob on the floor due to the chaos that is my life at the moment. I'm afraid this blog is becoming a "rant a thon" for today.
Are you ready? Here it goes
1. Men (esp. Kuwaiti men)- they play you along till you've satisfied a purpose then ouch you're dropped like a hot potato. They want everything on their terms and get pissed off if you dare to suggest otherwise. The ignoring is by far the most irritating thing! Bridget Jones's phrase emotional F@*k wittage is so true.
2. Holidays (strange I know)- Everything gets rushed and chaotic in the last few days of school as it is then you are expected to have this desperate urge to discover the world. It always seems like a fab idea when you pay for your ticket in Feb but by this time of year it's just another level of chaos. I leave the country in less than 72 hours I'm also moving flats just to add another level of madness and have I packed everything? - B*@**@ks I have!
Are you ready? Here it goes
1. Men (esp. Kuwaiti men)- they play you along till you've satisfied a purpose then ouch you're dropped like a hot potato. They want everything on their terms and get pissed off if you dare to suggest otherwise. The ignoring is by far the most irritating thing! Bridget Jones's phrase emotional F@*k wittage is so true.
2. Holidays (strange I know)- Everything gets rushed and chaotic in the last few days of school as it is then you are expected to have this desperate urge to discover the world. It always seems like a fab idea when you pay for your ticket in Feb but by this time of year it's just another level of chaos. I leave the country in less than 72 hours I'm also moving flats just to add another level of madness and have I packed everything? - B*@**@ks I have!
Saturday, 9 June 2007
OK, I am a little bit cynical about some of Greenpeace's methods but this is simple, effective and to the point!
Holiday, Celebrate!!!

Woo hoo!!! Just to quote another Eighties song of cheesiness- I's the Final Countdown!!!
School finishes on Wednesday and I'm leaving on a jet plane (I do know when I'll be back again thankfully)! I love Kuwait dearly, it is home, it is great but you can't beat a good holiday can you?
I'm off all over the place this Summer, Oz, England, Scotland, Emirates and maybe even Europe.
As per yesterday's post, this is one definite benefit of singledom. I want to go some where, I go. I do what I want, see what I want, dive where I want and eat what I want!
Top ten aims for the holidays:
1. See different places
2. Catch up with old friends and family
3. Eat lots of fish and seafood!!!! (too much faff to cook for myself)
4. Get a tan
5. Drink nice, crisp, cool chardonnay at every opportunity.
6. Dive, Dive, Dive
7. Go to the ten million Weddings that are lined up
8. Relax
9. Read a ton of books
10. Sleep!!!!!!!!!
Hope your will be as fun filled as mine
Friday, 8 June 2007
Forgotten Prejudices

Single parentism
According to MSN news these are the 5 modern day forgotten prejudices. I agree wholeheartedly!
As a single gal I suffer regularly from the last one on the list. Yes, we are all afraid of Bridget Jones style dying alone and being eaten by alsations but it doesn't mean the rest of the world should look at us as second class citizens! I have so many "Smug married" friends who love to lord it over me saying "Oh I wish I was still single" then comiserating on my sad and sorry state! Gits the lot of them I tell you!
I do have a fun filled and perfectly happy life and yes, it would be nice to meet some one to share my life with but I'm not going to go top myself cos I'm single!
Quite frankly I think I'm much happier in my singledom than many of them are in their "smug marriedness"!
Sunday, 3 June 2007
Talking Telephone Numbers!!

So, what is the deal with the phone numbers allegedly changing? We were issued with a memo at work saying that on 1st June that an extra digit would be added to the front of everyone's phone numbers. Did it happen???? I don't think so, was the country told about it properly- no! (What a silly question)
It's quite infuriating as no one ever properly announces these things. When they added numbers in the UK there was a huge national advertising campaign for months and months before hand. But of course this is Kuwait (which remember I do like, this is my home)the land of ministries of chaos and confusion. They can't even make registering your car simple- how do they expect to do this? Never make the mistake of asking why they do some thing the way they do in Kuwait, always ask Why not?
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