Single parentism
According to MSN news these are the 5 modern day forgotten prejudices. I agree wholeheartedly!
As a single gal I suffer regularly from the last one on the list. Yes, we are all afraid of Bridget Jones style dying alone and being eaten by alsations but it doesn't mean the rest of the world should look at us as second class citizens! I have so many "Smug married" friends who love to lord it over me saying "Oh I wish I was still single" then comiserating on my sad and sorry state! Gits the lot of them I tell you!
I do have a fun filled and perfectly happy life and yes, it would be nice to meet some one to share my life with but I'm not going to go top myself cos I'm single!
Quite frankly I think I'm much happier in my singledom than many of them are in their "smug marriedness"!
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