Woo hoo!!! Just to quote another Eighties song of cheesiness- I's the Final Countdown!!!
School finishes on Wednesday and I'm leaving on a jet plane (I do know when I'll be back again thankfully)! I love Kuwait dearly, it is home, it is great but you can't beat a good holiday can you?
I'm off all over the place this Summer, Oz, England, Scotland, Emirates and maybe even Europe.
As per yesterday's post, this is one definite benefit of singledom. I want to go some where, I go. I do what I want, see what I want, dive where I want and eat what I want!
Top ten aims for the holidays:
1. See different places
2. Catch up with old friends and family
3. Eat lots of fish and seafood!!!! (too much faff to cook for myself)
4. Get a tan
5. Drink nice, crisp, cool chardonnay at every opportunity.
6. Dive, Dive, Dive
7. Go to the ten million Weddings that are lined up
8. Relax
9. Read a ton of books
10. Sleep!!!!!!!!!
Hope your will be as fun filled as mine
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