Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Really annoying things!

Why is it that some people just can't behave in adult manner. Unfortunately I do think Kuwait has a high proportion of these type of people. I'm afraid I've got the end of term blues and unless I pull my finger out am likely to disolve into a wailing blob on the floor due to the chaos that is my life at the moment. I'm afraid this blog is becoming a "rant a thon" for today.
Are you ready? Here it goes
1. Men (esp. Kuwaiti men)- they play you along till you've satisfied a purpose then ouch you're dropped like a hot potato. They want everything on their terms and get pissed off if you dare to suggest otherwise. The ignoring is by far the most irritating thing! Bridget Jones's phrase emotional F@*k wittage is so true.
2. Holidays (strange I know)- Everything gets rushed and chaotic in the last few days of school as it is then you are expected to have this desperate urge to discover the world. It always seems like a fab idea when you pay for your ticket in Feb but by this time of year it's just another level of chaos. I leave the country in less than 72 hours I'm also moving flats just to add another level of madness and have I packed everything? - B*@**@ks I have!

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