I have spent the week making decisions and the biggest one is about my level of flab and lack of fitness. I am now in super dooper health kick mode in a desperate attempt to defy gravity for a bit longer (girls you will know what I mean). I don't want to be old before my time, I'm in my twenties and should be svelte, pert and partying! Not wrinkled, saggy, greying and bored. Damn it I just don't feel sexy at the mo!
I am attempting to do this the right way with lots of exercise and a healthy diet so we'll see how I do. I will of course keep you all posted on my ups and downs.
a soon to be svelte Pinky!
Good Luck girl :) all the best!
Go! Go! Go! I love your determination!
The cartoon - hilarious!
hehehehe don't worry! us teachers in our twenties always kick ass ;D
even if ur bored, just turn on some music and dance around for now reason! :p
Thanks guys, the moral support is cool!
g'luck !
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