I have worked my backside off this week and no, it is not yet the weekend. It is cruel, I want to sleep in tomorrow!!! I liked Thursdays and Fridays off!! AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!
OK, rant over. Well, one day of work left till the weekend, better than a kick in the teeth I suppose. Is anyone else cheesed off with the change??? I'm sure come Saturday morning I'll think it's fab but right now it's just not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!
I must toughen my resolve and survive tomorrow but as the song goes
"First I was afraid, I was petrified"!
Must also toughen my resolve in other areas, the guy who I told I was annoyed with has been more attentive this week and I've tried to be cool and not leap at a missed call but it's bloody hard! I've just got to stick to my guns and not fold at the first sign of him sucking up to me. I can't stand it when people know how to tug your strings, I'm a nice person and as I've stated before I find it hard to say how I feel. In this case I am irritated by the behaviour but am finding it tough to stick to it cos of my emotional attachements! Again I say AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!
Right, I quit, it may be 8pm but I'm off to bed! Good night to all!
I hate, hate, HATE the new weekend, so I feel your frustration!
his irritating behavior will make u appreciate the next guy who'll come along and treat u right, believe me :)
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