Well, thought I'd give you an update. For two weeks I have not initiated contact with the annoying man. He has called and texted sometimes repeatedly and I have politely declined his invitations. I'm really chuffed with myself and am quite happy in the notion that he will either pull his socks up and realise that he must treat me with a bit more respect or he wont in which case he wasn't worth it at all! I am happily busy with other things and am at the moment able to feed my latest addiction, relaxing, reading and fixing up my flat.
Well big up to all you empowered women out there. Go Girl Power!!!
"pull his socks up", i love that phrase! lol
He won't but it's worth a try!!! Men= Pain in the bum and as much as I love Kuwait and it is my home It would take a lot for me to date a Kuwaiti man again! Once bitten a million times shy!!!
Too many expectations, too little in return!
no offense, but I'm shocked that you dated a Kuwaiti man :0
He's a nice guy but doesn't know what he wants and I'm not hanging around for the next few years whilst he makes up his mind.
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