Thursday, 20 December 2007
Eid Mubarak and Excitement!
Have a fantastic festive season!
Love to all
Wednesday, 12 December 2007
Friday, 7 December 2007
These things just don't happen to me. Trying to be calm and zen at the moment but it's difficult when doing a happy dance in circles around my living room!
Ouch, my head hurts!!!!!

Well, the Thursday night madness continued as usual. Had a fab game of darts and now have a very sore head (from drink not darts thankfully).
It was quite interesting for many reasons.
1. The Kuwaiti was there without his new woman (think it may have gone sour??) and I actually had a frank discussion with him about life. I was very nice and told him that even though he pissed me off and by rights I should want to castrate him that I want him to be happy and that he needs to be wary of some people cos they are users! I also quite happily made the point to him that he will wake up one day and work out what a mistake he made with the way he treats me, he agreed, I nearly fell off my chair! It's amazing what people will own up to when they are a little tipsy. I was once told by a man that you tell the truth when you're drunk...
2. One of his friends was there and I think he worked out that this is my blog from my bluetooth name on my phone- Doh! He also put 2 and 2 together about the Kuwaiti and me and we had a really interesting chat. A very sound and wise young man he is!
3. Had lots of very nice messages from the man I met in Dubai, think he may be coming to visit me in Q8 soon, perhaps this one will be a keeper?? He's definitely a really nice guy, I went to uni with him, my fingers are crossed. Why do these ones always live half way round the bloody world though- London is too far away!
Well, back to my self induced tired and emotional state. I (as usual) am unable to sleep in past 9 o clock these days! Hangover and late night or not!
Sunday, 2 December 2007
I want to get back on the plane to Dubai!
I really liked Dubai but not sure I could live there, would quite like many more holidays there though.
The rugby was fantastic and my word, the shorts were short and the thighs were firm, yes I am turning into a dirty old woman in-case you were wondering!!!
So here are some piccies for you girls! Take a deep breath and make sure you're sitting comfortably.
Wednesday, 28 November 2007
The week that was!!
It has been absolutely ridiculously busy and quite frankly I NEED A BLOODY LONG HOLIDAY NOW!!!!!!!!! Sorry to shout!
I love my job dearly but at the moment I feel I do nothing else but work. I've pulled 12 hour days this week, spent my life running around after students and staff and am now getting an ear ache and cough. Boo!!!
But tonight I am a happy chicken cos Im off to Dubai (with just about the whole of the western expat population) for the Rugby Sevens. Ah I am looking forward to meeting up with old friends, drinking some champagne and watching men in small shorts and relatively tight tops run around, sweat and basically exude testosterone- Be still my beating heart, I don't think I can take the excitement! Even better, they bring you buckets of beer in the stands- Woo Hoo!!!
I have enclosed some reasons for the ladies to get into rugby. You have the lovely Jonah Lomu, Johnny Wilkinson and Glen Jackson- mmmmmm!!!! (Yes I know how hypocritical I'm being and yes I am turning into a dirty old woman by the second!)

Friday, 23 November 2007
Pissed off Pinky!

OK, so here it goes. I have decided that partly I bring the man related unhappiness on myself. I want your opinions!
So, here is the history of the lives and loves of Pinky!
Man no. 1 Asshole, cheated on me, told me and I said naughty boy, don't do it again. We split after 6 months but dated regularly over the next 3 years and he continued to be an arsehole with no sense of responsibility for the entirety.
Man no. 2 Lovely and I cocked it up big style. Dated for 2 years he worshipped the ground I walked upon, I moved to a different part of the country to be with him, we were really happy. However, I decided that I was too settled and broke up with him but proceeded to mess him around for the next year, I firmly took his heart and squished it into the ground. By the time I'd worked out that I really did love him he'd moved on to his now wife.
Man no. 3 Asshole, dated for 2 years, lived together, bought various big items together. Everything had to be on his terms nd if I didn't do what he wanted his stock standard response was "I'll leave". Eventually I worked out it was better to be alone than unhappy with someone. He used the I'll leave tactic and I said, I've been hearing that for the last 6 months, your still here, he left, owing me rather a lot. It was awful at the time but a good learing experience. I did vow never to let anyone dick me about like that again
Man no. 4 Player! He thought it was ok to cheat on me with one woman in states and another in Q8, I said "khalas, I don't need this shit and walked"
Man no. 5 The latest of a bad bunch. Spent the last two years being messed around by him and still I let him piss me off. I am convinced now that I know he is an utter Bastard but still I allow him to wind me up. He spent last thursday staring at me for 3 hours then left the party with another woman and spent the whole of tonight pawing said woman right under my nose (for someone who claim to love me he has a fucking lot to learn)- YUCK!
What to do, I seem to date serial bastards. Leopards do not ever change their spots so why the hell do I think they will suddenly become stripy?
If you've read Romeo and Juliet you'll be familiar with the term Patrarchan love - it's what Romeo has for Rosaline and all it does is make him unhappy. He's kind of in love with being miserable, I'm worried thats how I'm ending up? Equally I don't know how to change the way I feel and a behaving in relationships, am I destined to be a doormat forever??? Have I cocked up my only chance???
I don't know what I think now, this blog is my way of vocalising my feelings and confusions so if they don't make sense to you have faith that they make even less sense to me!
I think the quote above is spot on!
Monday, 19 November 2007
Woo hoo!!! Holiday! C'mon let's celebrate!!!
I am going to go skiing, wild wadi'ing and watching rugby (men in small shorts-phwoarghhh!!!). All will be washed down with a little pint of heineken!!
I may also find time for a little shopping and visit the cultural centre too.
We are now on countdown 10 days to go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, 17 November 2007
Dubai Explorer

Right you bloggers, I need some assistance. I'm off to Dubai in a few weeks to go see some strapping men in little shorts throw a ball around a rugby pitch and need some inspiration of what to do when I'm not watching rugger with a beer in my hand.
I've not been to Dubai in a good 10years so need as many suggestions as I can get. So far I want to
1. Go Skiing
2. Go to Wild Wadi
If you have anything to recommend please let me know!!!!!!
p.s. The music is an ode to a very special someone who I think may have bitten off a hell of a lot more than he can chew!
Monday, 12 November 2007
Procrastination is the key!!!

Oh yes, the pile of exercise books I have to mark is breeding on my dinning table and I am about to drown under it. I love my job but woah do I hate correcting the books!
I am almost about to tidy my sock drawer, walk, clean belly button fluff etc etc to get out of doing it!
So, there seems to be rather a lot going on in the blogosphere at the moment. People going off on road trips to lebanon, Gulf Run is about to happen again - I want to go!!! The all encompassing theme of men = hard bloody work seems to have revived itself again as well.
When true procrastination is needed I always reach for the life comment (above) and write a list of aims
Aims for this week /weekend
1. Sobriety!!!
2. Stay away from The Man!
3. If man is out where I am avoid contact, do not give in to temptation to have a drink, keep the hell away from my mobile, send no text messages (they can only lead to heartbreak and awkward conversations) and by no means will I scratch the eyes from any woman that accompanies him!!!
4. On no account will I spend money
5. Walk or cycle each day
6. Go through wardrobe and work out which clothes fit again- yippeee!!!
Right, to the books I go!!!!
Friday, 9 November 2007

After my mad ranting posts of last night about fidelity being an issue in this part of the world I was very amused to read an article on the Arab Times website about just such a thing!
Here you go:
‘Be faithful, protect family’; Society shuns talk on spouse cheats
KUWAIT CITY: Despite the prevalence of marital infidelity in Arab societies, there is a dearth of studies done on the issue due to the customs and traditions in the region making the topic a taboo in the Arab world, Dr Alia Shuaib said in her show entitled ‘Under Shade’ aired Sunday on Al-Watan TV. With Attorney Dawim Al-Muwaizri and the Kuwait University teaching staff as guest panelists on the show, where they discussed marital infidelity issues in the Arab region, Shuaib pointed out “infidelity is a morality issue that we prefer not to discuss to avoid humiliation. In spite of its negative impact on society, even the experts refuse to tackle the issue due to cultural considerations.” Talking about the different phases of infidelity, Shuaib explained “the first phase begins theoretically through the Internet and satellite channels, which give the public easy access to immoral publications while the second phase is what we call the ‘acting out’ stage wherein people fulfill their sexual fantasies through extramarital affairs.”
Al-Muwaizri, on the other hand, said the Court deals with a multitude of infidelity cases daily besides reports filed at the police stations, which often end up in divorce. Disclosing that Kuwait’s divorce rate recently increased by 30 per cent, he said three out of ten marriages are successful while the rest usually end in divorce. He believes that lack of moral discipline and proper upbringing are the two major factors pushing people to betray their spouses. Emphasizing there is no justification for a man to betray his wife, Al-Muwaizri said a man who betrays his wife is sick as he seems to focus only on the pleasure he will get from such an immoral act, forgetting its negative impact on his family and the society in general. He added the law is biased as it allows husbands to monitor the activities of their wives and record their calls in case of doubt but women are not allowed to do the same. Generally, men cannot forgive their unfaithful wives while women often forgive their husbands to keep the family intact.
Shuaib, however, thinks the divorce rate in 2005 was higher than 30 per cent indicating that infidelity happens due to differences in age, educational achievements, cultural background, and social status. She also lamented the fact that society tends to be more forgiving of men having extra-marital affairs than women. She called on the concerned authorities to protect the rights of married women considering their commitment to maintain the integrity of the family. She added women have the ability to detect signs of betrayal even at its early stage. At the end of the show, Shuaib asked one of the panelists to monitor programs aired on satellite TV channels based on religious principles. She also stressed the need for husbands and wives to remain faithful to each other and maintain the stability of the family.
By Jamil Al-Pasha
Special to the Arab Times
World AIDS day- 1st December 2007

Right, after last night's tirade here comes the sensible post.
I was working the iPod this morning and my favourite Freddy Mercury songs wereplaying. It doesn't feel like 16 years since he died of AIDS. I am a great believer that the world lost someone very special on the 24th November 1991.
So my next thought was why do we never hear anything about World AIDS day in Kuwait? I know all expats are blood tested to get residency but there is AIDS in Kuwait.
If you check the US government's World Factbook it says there is a 0.12% prevalence of HIV and AIDS in Kuwait. Small I know but surely the fact that this issue is a definite taboo in Kuwait means it can only grow?
Perhaps this is an issue that should be more freely discussed? I know I have never seen anything about it out here. I know Kuwait is a very different society to the UK but the times are changing, perhaps people's attitudes should too??
Will you be wearing your red ribbon on December 1st?
My Music for the next week will be Freddy Mercury and Queen music. I hope you like it!
Freddy Mercury (5 September 1946 – 24 November 1991)

Thursday, 8 November 2007
WTF??? Men!!!

OK, I warn you, here comes a tirade!
I have just been reading Chika's post on Men wanting Women on their terms and it has firmly empowered me.
Chika, you are so right about men and their lack of fidelity. There are far too many that need a firm kick in the nuts from time to time!
I am a young, intelligent, positive young woman. OK, I'm not a size zero but I am happy and bubbly and thats what matters.
I am not a man hating, bra burning Dyke. I am a woman who has frequently been disappointed by the men who have been in her life. One day (hopefully not too far away) I really want to get married and have kids but I want to do that with a man who is respectful to me and knows how to behave towards me and other women when he is with me.
I don't think I'm going to find that man in Kuwait unfortunately for the following reasons.
1. The expat men that are out here tend to be married. I'm not into infidelity, I will not be the other woman.
2. There are very few expat men out here that are aged below 50, are single, straight, don't need a frontal lobotomy or a personality transplant and are not a complete W@nKer!
3. I am not going to randomly give my number to blokes I meet in Marina Mall, sorry I'll leave that to my students, I need to know if a man interests me on an intellectual basis not only if I like the look of him.
4. A number of the local men I have met have been looking for a size zero bimbo who looks good on their arm and knows when to shut up but has very little between the ears. Not me- I have curves and a brain for a reason
5. Local men are looking for a quick fling and what they can't get from the Kuwaiti girls their mothers want them to marry! A lot look at western women as loose and treat them in the way they treat their hookers-badly!
6. I do not want to spend time with a guy that thinks I'm only good enough to meet his male relatives down the chalet on a Friday afternoon with a drink in his hand. If I'm not good enough to be introduced to his mother he is not good enough for me!
7. I love Kuwait, it is my home but the poligamy thing is beyond me. Some men out here love it. Wife number one gets a bit old, pops out a couple of kids and gets a bit boring and domesticated, I know, I'll get a new one.
There is no wonder that Arab men struggle with the concept of fidelity. They are told from day one that they can have their cake and eat it and that it is OK (morally, religously and legally) to cheat. SHINU HATHER????
8. Some of the strongest women I have ever met are Kuwaiti and I respect them fully. Unfortunately a lot of their men don't!!!
I am so cheesed off with being crapped on from a great height. I am not going to put up with this bullshit again.
Khalas I am done with it I deserve better than this crap!

It is a major case of Hallelujah the week is done. I am shattered. Too much shit going on at school, at home in UK, at home in Kuwait. I can't wait for this week to be done and dusted. I also have a house guest for the next few weeks just to add another level of chaos. It will be good to have my guest here but it's always hard sharing your space!
Hope everyone else has a lovely weekend!
Wednesday, 7 November 2007
6kgs down!
Saturday, 3 November 2007
What a day!!!

It's been crazy crazy today! After yesterdays excitement I thought I'd have a relatively calm and serene day but no, you guessed it, not a prayer! Spent the morning in the Avenues which I swear grows larger by the second and the muppets have changed the entrance off the 5th ring so yes, you guessed it, I had a lovely drive round deepest, darkest Al Rai before getting into the car park! Half of the mall was on sale so I had to peruse and then the magnet gravitational pull of IKEA dragged me in.
I want to own a massive house with a pointy roof and view of the sea to fill to the brim with IKEA furniture (oh yes, did I mention I need a millionaire husband to pay for it too??) and a garden with flowers and real green grass to get my toes into and roll around on at every opportunity. Then I'll have a lovely pretty blue coloured Volkswagen Tuareg 4x4, Aston Martin Vanquish and a Sunseeker motor yacht to drive at my convenience. And 2 lovely children that are always angelic, clean and never have snotty noses!!!!
Got a bit carried away with that one didn't I.....I tell you it was the thought of a garden that did it.
Have changed the music on my blog again. I'm a little eclectic and the flugtag tunes inspired yesterdays bouncy music. Today I had my favourite playlist on very loud as I tidied my flat and sang my little heart out to Tomorrow by James, so yes here it is!!!
Flugtag Fun!
Well, spent the day on the beach by the Marina Hotel watching the flugtag yesterday afternoon and it was quite good fun!
Very few of the "planes" actually flew very far but all crashed and splashed with style. Must be quite frustrating when you've put months of work into something to see it end up in a heap on the beach after about 15 seconds! I think my favourite design wise was the Bahraini Baby Bottle complete with Nappy clad captain! There were also some fab kites flying, I loved the massive stingray one!
To top it off the music was good as well. Minimal American R and B more cool music, I heard everything from Men at work to Deelite!
Tuesday, 30 October 2007
Life goes on!
Now though it's a time to work out a few things. At the moment my work life balance is screwed, all work, not enough life and what life there is is not interesting enough. I have some fab ideas but I need a bit more inspiration. Here is my list of different and potentially interesting things to do in Q8 and I'm aiming to do most of them over the next few weeks.
Failaka Island
Go to Desert
Go up the Towers (again, but not in the last 10 years- perhaps the view's changed?)
Walking/cycling on sea front
Buy tickets for a holiday
Go shooting again, I wasn't half bad with a .22
Horse riding
Getting my hair cut
Having a massage and facial
If you can think of any more please let me know, a single girl needs every bit of help she can get to keep her occupied
I really fancy the idea of having a go at golf but Sahara is bloody expensive and it's just not the same on desert. I also fancy trying to meet some new people, it's not that the people I know aren't nice but I want to expand my social scene, there are loads of cool people out there and I should get to know more of them.
So where is a good place or what is a good thing to do to go meet people in Kuwait that doesn't involve Marina Mall and chucking bits of paper around???
Sunday, 28 October 2007
Blood Red Moon!

Wow, did anyone see the moon as it came up tonight. I was out bustin' Mishref track with the mutt and it was hanging really low with this amazing colour. It also seemed really big. The view I saw was of it hanging between two minarets of a mosque. I haven't seen such a good moon for ages, unfortunately I didn't have my phone or I'd have taken a picture (This one's from google).
According to Nasa's website it was a lunar eclipse on Wednesday 27th Oct which can cause the red colour (apparently it's actually the Earth's shadow) but I can't find much about why it still looked red. As it got higher in the sky it became more milky coloured.
Fantastic I say, Mother Nature has so many fab things to see, they never fail to amaze me!
Saturday, 27 October 2007
Summation of the good, bad and down right ugly side of being Pinky!
1. The man was at a party I went to and thought it'd be a good thing to share the joyous news that he thinks he's met someone with me. Fine but he seemed to expect me to be happy for him and then seemed a little surprised when I wasn't, even said the old chestnut of "but I love you" my response was "whatever"! Idiot!!
(please see my earlier posts about men and emotional f%@kwittage)
2. He also announced this to a table full of my friends. (don't you just love consideration)
3. Whilst fuming about this I left my favorite sweater on top of his bag at the party and he accidentally left with it and isn't returning messages hence bye bye sweater, do men not understand how difficult it is to buy a classic, dressy sweater???
4. Then my car died, piece of crap.
5. Then my broken toe that I whacked off a table 3 weeks ago started to hurt again, ibuprofen rules!
Sometimes I wonder, do I have kick me tattooed on myself somewhere cos when the world kicks once it just doesn't stop for weeks! ARGH!!!
One good thing about life is Ugly Betty, she is getting me through (well, her and the ibuprofen).
Hope the rest of you had a better time than me!
p.s. My favourite bloggers are the girly bloggers of Kuwait (sorry boys, your just not in my good books as a gender at the moment). These women, who I have never met in person are fun, cheerful, seem to have a lot in common with me and always have positive things to say and sage advice to give. To you all I say thanks!!
Friday, 26 October 2007
Apt pop song for me!!
Your Karaoke Theme Song is "Livin' On a Prayer" |
You believe the best things in life are mostly forgotten, and you're definitely more than a little nostalgic . You're likely to still like the same foods, fashions, and music as you did when you were a teenager. You have a knack for knowing what elements of pop culture people have missed, without them even realizing it. It's great to remember the past, but don't forget that not everyone is as stuck in it as you are. You might also sing: "Pour Some Sugar on Me," "Rapper's Delight," and "Cherry Pie" Stay away from people who sing: "Toxic" |
Blue, definitely blue!!!
Your Aura is Blue |
Spiritual and calm, you tend to live a quiet but enriching life. You are very giving of yourself. And it's hard for you to let go of relationships. The purpose of your life: showing love to other people Famous blues include: Angelina Jolie, the Dali Lama, Oprah Careers for you to try: Psychic, Peace Corps Volunteer, Counselor |
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Tuesday, 23 October 2007
A theme
Sunday, 21 October 2007
Desperate Housewives!

As I'm sure you all are aware I aspire to marriage and kids one of these days. However much I want this I don't want to be a desperate housewife!
I have an addiction at the moment and it is to season 3 of DH!! This is being fueled by iTunes from which I have now dangerously discovered that you can download entire seasons of tv shows!!!! Teamed with my video iPod I will never be without tv again. If you find some one hiding in the stationary cupboard at work laughing innanely it's probably me with my iPod!!!
What a week!!!
Unfortunately I got food poisoning and feel like crap!
I've got so much blogging to catch up and read. Sounds like the girly blog meet up went well, wish i could have been there.
However, it's good to know I am a girl through and through!!
You Inner Gender is Female |
You're sensitive, caring, and willing to connect with anyone who's open to you. You make friends easily, and you enjoy all sorts of conversations. You understand most people you meet - better than they understand themselves. You're totally a woman... or at the very least, your soul is female. |
Thursday, 11 October 2007
A Jumpy song!
It's the holidays, yippeeeeee!!!
I felt the need to say how cool this was and after 3baid's comment that the last song wasn't the jumpy one he expected. Here are the
Pointer Sisters just for you 3baid!!!
Eid Mubarak to all!!!!
Wednesday, 10 October 2007
Well all you bloggers I thought you'd like to know that since I started my regime of exercise madness and healthy food I have lost 4 kilos!!!!!!!
I am on the way to being svelte curvy as opposed to podgy curvy!!!!!!!!!
In celebration I feel we need a song.
Good old Nina Simone- Feeling Good (Does she not have the sexiest voice??)

Well, this has been a question that has come up a lot recently.
What a potentially enlightening subject. I posted about facebook this week and was invited by a fellow blogger to email them and add to their facebook. I thought this was cool as they are someone I can really relate to through reading their blog but equally my mind says should I relinquish my anonimity???
There has also been talk of a girlie Kuwait blogger meet up, which again sounds so cool but yet again my mind says should I relinquish my anonimity???
What a big question!!!
It's not that I think anything bad will happen or that I am ashamed of anything I have posted, I think I'm a little excited by the prospect and would love to meet some fellow women my age who have similar thoughts, worries, daily dilemas to me.
However, my mind says Kuwait is a small place??
Argh, drama, indecision!!!
Monday, 8 October 2007
Facebook rocks with your socks off!!!

OK, I must impart amazing knowledge and experiences to you all!!! If you have not signed up for face book get your little behinds on there now. It is soooooo spookily cool.
In the past week I have got back in touch with 5 people I haven't seen for years, 2 from high school, two from Uni and one from Kuwait. It is fantabulous as these are people that I lost contact with and am now catching up with them regularly. It is so nice to see how people have grown up and what they are into now.
Go on, register, you know you want to!!!!!
Saturday, 6 October 2007
Life, love and the pursuit of happiness!

Well, the weight is dropping off, I'm exercising like a demon but still my mind plays nasty tricks on me.
On Thursday night "the man" was out and about with me and my friends. He was much more reserved than usual but we had a really lovely talk, he was quite attentive. Since then he phoned to invite me out and I politely declined but my head has lingered on him too much since then.
ARGH!! It's soooo unfair. I know he's not the one for me but I really miss him.
I need a better coping strategy or I know I am going to fold as usual.
Friday, 5 October 2007
Too much busy!!!

Argh!!! It is official, there are not enough hours in the day at the moment. I have so much to do and everything is going too fast in Ramadan. Lessons are too short, business hours are miniscule and banks appear to never be open. What is a busy girl to do?????
I'm retreating to the desert this weekend to relax and enjoy the peace and quiet, I bet the dog will love it!!!
Sunday, 30 September 2007
Positive thoughts!

As part of my new list of things to do and attempt to achieve I wanted to stop feeling negative towards certain people. I am really struggling today!
There are some people in this world that just irritate the hell out of me. I find it almost impossible to even be in the same room as them let alone speak to them. Unfortunately these people are in my group of friends and I have to bite my tongue constantly.
I'm attempting to see positive things in them but it's just not happening at the moment!!
What to do???????
Wednesday, 26 September 2007
Celebrate good times C'mon!!!
Monday, 24 September 2007
I feel good!

Well, these exercise nutters have definitely cottoned onto something. The initial buzz after exercise is fantastic. However, (you knew there would be a however didn't you?)the pain that one feels the next day is a little unfair I think. I have spent the day in agony after getting medieval with my Yoga this weekend.
I bought a little book and have been practicing my postures all weekend. I especially like the warrior poses where you get to stick your tongue out and make scarey faces in a very Hakka Maori war dance style. I am also a definite fan of pose of a child (kneeling head down) and corpse (flat on your back).
I's finding that Ramadan is absolutely flying though, it's only 19 days til I'm on holiday- madness!
Well they do say that time flies when your having fun.
Saturday, 22 September 2007
Oh What a Beautiful Morning!!
I love Kuwait in the early mornings at this time of year. My friend and I were out cycling on the corniche at 7.30 this morning, it was stunning. Not too hot, blue sea, blue sky, fab view of the Kuwait Towers!!!
I am realy enjoying my fitness kick and have also started with the diet centre's boxes. It is so nice to feel well and full of energy. Who needs drugs, I'm positively bursting with endorphins at the moment.
I also sat down and wrote myself a life checklist of things I want to do this year and have stuck in on my fridge. It covers everything from exercise to travel and money but hopefully is achievable!!!
Too much fun!!!!!!!!!
Hope Ramadan is going well for everyone.
I have a song for today that everyone should go and listen to. It must be played at full voulume so you can jump around, dance, sing and enjoy!
Beautiful Day by U2
Wednesday, 19 September 2007
All gone south!

I have spent the week making decisions and the biggest one is about my level of flab and lack of fitness. I am now in super dooper health kick mode in a desperate attempt to defy gravity for a bit longer (girls you will know what I mean). I don't want to be old before my time, I'm in my twenties and should be svelte, pert and partying! Not wrinkled, saggy, greying and bored. Damn it I just don't feel sexy at the mo!
I am attempting to do this the right way with lots of exercise and a healthy diet so we'll see how I do. I will of course keep you all posted on my ups and downs.
a soon to be svelte Pinky!
Monday, 17 September 2007
I feel like a lettuce!

Oh My God!!! This Ramadan business is killing me.
I know I am not fasting but I can't eat or drink at will and I am someone who lives with a bottle of water in my hand usually! Too Much hard!!! Because of it I am feeling like a lettuce of an evening, very limp and dehydrated.
I have major respect to all who fast. At this time of year it's almost 14 hours and is soo hot! Good on you!
Saturday, 15 September 2007
Yoga in Kuwait

Question for all you bloggers. I used to be quite into Yoga in my first few years in Kuwait, not saying I was good but man it made me supple and I had a flat stomach for the first time ever! Does anyone know of a good place to do yoga in Kuwait, I like the type that does lots of different poses then has a nice long relaxation session at the end! Any recommendations would be great.
Friday, 14 September 2007
A new day!
Monday, 10 September 2007
Empowerment Part 2!

Well, thought I'd give you an update. For two weeks I have not initiated contact with the annoying man. He has called and texted sometimes repeatedly and I have politely declined his invitations. I'm really chuffed with myself and am quite happy in the notion that he will either pull his socks up and realise that he must treat me with a bit more respect or he wont in which case he wasn't worth it at all! I am happily busy with other things and am at the moment able to feed my latest addiction, relaxing, reading and fixing up my flat.
Well big up to all you empowered women out there. Go Girl Power!!!
Saturday, 8 September 2007
Can't be done!

I was having a play on the internet today and came across an old poem that I was given a copy of when I was about 12. I really like it and have it on my wall at home cos it's got a really good message. Basically you can do anything you put your mind to!
I hope you all have a fab week!
Can’t be Done!
Somebody said that it couldn't be done,
But he with a chuckle replied
That "maybe it couldn't", but he wouldn't be one
Who would say so till he had tried.
So he buckled right in with a trace of a grin
If he was worried he hid it.
He started to sing as he tackled the thing,
That couldn't be done and he did it
Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you'll never do that;
At least no one ever has done it"
But he took off his coat and he took off his hat,
And the first thing we knew he'd begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin,
Without any doubting or quiddit,
He started to sing as he tackled the thing
That couldn't be done, and he did it.
There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done,
There are thousands to prophesy failure;
There are thousands to point out to you, one by one,
The dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle right in with a bit of a grin
Just take off your coat and go to it.
Just start to sing as you tackle the thing
That "cannot be done," and you'll do it.
By Edgar A Guest
Friday, 7 September 2007
Thursday nights alright..

After years of getting used to Wednesday night being the start of the weekend and where the party's at Thursday worked out just fine! I can just about cope with the change as long as there is the potential to have fun and be silly on Thursdays, after a few hours of chatting and boogie ing to dodgy music I have decided I will survive!
Wednesday, 5 September 2007
Why is it not the weekend!!!!!

I have worked my backside off this week and no, it is not yet the weekend. It is cruel, I want to sleep in tomorrow!!! I liked Thursdays and Fridays off!! AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!
OK, rant over. Well, one day of work left till the weekend, better than a kick in the teeth I suppose. Is anyone else cheesed off with the change??? I'm sure come Saturday morning I'll think it's fab but right now it's just not fair!!!!!!!!!!!!
I must toughen my resolve and survive tomorrow but as the song goes
"First I was afraid, I was petrified"!
Must also toughen my resolve in other areas, the guy who I told I was annoyed with has been more attentive this week and I've tried to be cool and not leap at a missed call but it's bloody hard! I've just got to stick to my guns and not fold at the first sign of him sucking up to me. I can't stand it when people know how to tug your strings, I'm a nice person and as I've stated before I find it hard to say how I feel. In this case I am irritated by the behaviour but am finding it tough to stick to it cos of my emotional attachements! Again I say AAARRRGGGHHHH!!!
Right, I quit, it may be 8pm but I'm off to bed! Good night to all!
Sunday, 2 September 2007
Can someone turn the heat down please!!!

I have never previously understood the concept of dead on my feet but today I am a walking corpse. I firmly place the blame on the shoulders of the bloody weather. Can someone turn it down please. It's also killing me this constant in and out of ac, I've been in the country for three weeks and have a sore throat already, boooo!
Friday, 31 August 2007
Wh3t do4s 1t 3ll m3an??

OK, I have lived in this fine country for years, I teach the youth of the country and am attempting to learn arabic but get so confused by this number/letter arabic business. What does it all mean??? Can anyone explain it to me??? I live in perpetual confusion and want to be cool too!!!!! (Sad I know but must attempt to be funky)
Please if you can give me a basic number = arabic letter guide I would forever be in your debt!!!
Wednesday, 29 August 2007
My random thoughts on the world of the blog.
Over the last couple of weeks I've had loads of feedback on what I've written and quite frankly it's really nice. It intrigues me that people who I don't know personally and who know very little about me are so supportive and friendly in their reactions to my blog.
I know I enjoy reading other peoples blogs and find that I learn alot about so many different things. e.g. mosanmosan's blog got me hooked on youtube, 248am, k.thekuwaiti , forzaq8 and others keep me in touch with interesting things going on in Kuwait, swair, shoush, sou and desertgirlkuwait are a really interesting insight into other people's lives and quite frankly it never fails to surprise me how many people have the same issues going on in their lives.
So thanks for reading and sharing your comments, there will be much more!
Tuesday, 28 August 2007

For the first time ever today I managed to suck it up and tell someone that they had pissed me off and why without getting stressed or upset! This is a major milestone for me, whenever dealing with emotional matters I am always a doormat ( not good I know) and find it really hard to express how I feel but today I did it and the person is fuly aware that I deserve better and should be treated with respect!
I think all this Maya Angelou poetry has finally rubbed off!
Monday, 27 August 2007
Anger Management!!!
There are some people in this world that are just plain and simple sent to vex us. Unfortunately I am finding certain individuals in my group of friends really trying at the moment. Some people just don't know they are born, even when they have everything they want they still find things to complain about and try to get others to do everything for them.
It is always made harder by the fact that you have to try your hardest to be polite even when they piss you off to the max!
Argh! I am off to tear my hair out- long live baldness!!!!!
Sunday, 26 August 2007
Girl Power!!

After reading a Maya Angelou Poem posted on Swair's blog I've gone all girl power and feisty. If you want to learn more about Maya's pretty difficult life read her autobiography called "I know Why the Caged Bird Sings".
Here's another fantasticly empowering poem by the wonderfull Maya Angelou
Phenomenal Woman
Pretty women wonder where my secret lies.
I'm not cute or built to suit a fashion model's size
But when I start to tell them,
They think I'm telling lies.
I say,
It's in the reach of my arms
The span of my hips,
The stride of my step,
The curl of my lips.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
I walk into a room
Just as cool as you please,
And to a man,
The fellows stand or
Fall down on their knees.
Then they swarm around me,
A hive of honey bees.
I say,
It's the fire in my eyes,
And the flash of my teeth,
The swing in my waist,
And the joy in my feet.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Men themselves have wondered
What they see in me.
They try so much
But they can't touch
My inner mystery.
When I try to show them
They say they still can't see.
I say,
It's in the arch of my back,
The sun of my smile,
The ride of my breasts,
The grace of my style.
I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
Now you understand
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
by Maya Angelou

Oh my god I am officially a member of the walking dead. Started back to work today after my hols and quite frankly how on earth am I going to survive. I am dead on my feet, it is too hot and I can't cope with early mornings- AAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH!!
Does anyone out there know a quick way to earn tons of cash and do absolutely nothing??? Damn it must find myself a rich husband ASAP! (Only joking, far too much self respect for that but fantastic fantasy).